Monday, August 4, 2008


It has maybe nothing to do with cinema, but yesterday 3rd of August Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn left us.

I studied his novels at the University where I started to conceive a passion for the Russian literature. His most famous works:

One day in a life od Ivan Denisovich (1962, in italiano Una giornata di Ivan Denisovic)
The cancer ward
(1968, in italiano Padiglione cancro)
The Gulag archipelag
(1973-78, in italiano Arcipelago Gulag)
Lenin in Zurich (1976, in italiano Lenin a Zurigo)

A Nobel prize in literature in 1970, a fighter for the freedom of his country, Russia, that he deeply loved and for this love he was sent to Siberia and then forced to go into exile.

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